Drive-In to Summer

Drive-In to Summer

It’s hard to believe, but Memorial Day weekend is only a couple weeks away! The approaching warmer weather, summer vacations, and hopefully, decreased social distancing restrictions have us dreaming of family reunions, barbeques and every kind of celebration from the block party to the birthday party. We recently helped our friend, Brandy with a super cute (and semi socially distanced) birthday party for her little boy. Thanks to Brandy’s gift for all things artsy and creative, the party turned out even better than we could have imagined! As such, we asked her to share a little bit more as a Betti Says guest blogger! Read on for all the details on this classic summer themed party!


When it came time to plan my four-year old’s birthday party this past year, I was coming up short. For days and days, the back chambers of my brain were pre-occupied trying to come up with something that would check all the boxes for my little guy and his friends in a time of social distancing, hand sanitizer, and drive-by parades. And then as I was lying in bed one night, it clicked. The party planner in me had the perfect “all boxes checked” idea – a drive-in movie celebration!

I enjoy planning birthday parties for my kids, it’s a fun hobby. But I’m no expert and my vague ideas don’t make their way to reality without some inspiration. So, off to Pinterest I went. I browsed, I saved. I got overwhelmed. I had an idea, but I needed help executing. With everything else on my plate, I decided to bring in the reinforcements. Cue Confetti Betti. 

The Drive-In Movie theme was not a standard Betti Box, but I provided a general idea of my custom theme to my party planner at Confetti Betti and then sat back as they pulled together what can best be described as a party mood board with décor, product, and even game and craft suggestions. While I’d pinned some of the suggestions previously on my Pinterest board, there were several I’d not come across in my initial research, which was exciting to see.


We discussed a few items back and forth (my planner asked great questions that helped me clarify my needs and priorities), and then my Confetti Betti planner provided a quote and estimated shipping and arrival dates. Though I didn’t ask for it up front, I am positive the planner would have tailored the mood board based on whatever constraints were top priority for me. Cost most important? You got it. Need it with a relatively short turn around? Here’s what the Bettis can get into your hands post haste. Y’all…the whole thing brought me so much JOY. I got to be part of the planning and brainstorming, but I also didn’t have to run around to seven stores to get everything!  

Betti Box arrival day was a big deal around here. The kids and I were out in the front yard doing sidewalk chalk when the delivery truck pulled up. Even the delivery person looked excited to hand off what was clearly, from the box design, a package worth celebrating. There was no delay – the kids begged to open it then and there. So, there we sat, on the driveway, ooh-ing and ahhh-ing over the beautifully styled and Confetti Betti curated items inside, along with a super sweet and personalized note. Inside we had all the makings of a fun and creative drive-in movie party:

  • Concessions Banner
  • Balloon Garland
  • Tassel Garland
  • Popcorn Boxes
  • A Director’s Film Clapboard (that was easily personalized with chalk)
  • And more!

I paired the items with a drive-in themed electronic invitation, and we were off and running. 

We set up a concession area with easy grab and go kid snacks, juice boxes, and cupcakes. The trick here was in planning a post-dinner time party since movies are all about those yummy snacks! We did single-serve items for the kids and hot cider and gourmet popcorn for the adults in attendance. We borrowed a projector and speakers and set them up to display on our garage door. Our little guy selected a car-themed movie (he’s obviously my child, coordinating things to this degree). We even marked off a parking lot with chalk on our driveway, giving each child their own parking space for their cardboard car piled with comfy pillows and blankets for snuggling into.

While most of the custom Betti Box items were plug and play on the day of the party, there were a few items that I got to add my own spin to. One of those items was the balloon garland. Friends…you want to take your party up a notch? Balloon garlands are your friend. I was intimidated at first, but you know what? With a little nudge from my Confetti Betti planner and easy to follow instructions, we were halfway done before we knew it. My older daughter said this was her favorite thing about her brother’s party – the day she learned how to blow up and tie off a balloon. Life skills, y’all. The magic is in the little things I think, so unless you’re going for an all-out surprise party, let those little ones help you!  You never know what memories you’ll be making in the process.

Items we found or made in addition to our custom Confetti Betti box to complete the perfect party:

  • Cardboard Boxes
    • Ask neighbors, coworkers, drop an “in search of” request to your local online message board.
    • These we pre-cut into basic car shapes, and the kids decorated them as the first activity of the party. Speaking of decorating…

  • Craft Supplies
    • We purchased marker packs that doubled as a party favor item, and had glitter, glue, and scissors on hand.
  • Custom License Plates
    • We mocked up and printed out custom vanity plates for the kids to pick out and attach to their vehicle. Think, “3NAGER”, “LEADFOOT”, “SPEEDY”, “4NADO”, “SLO-POKE”. You get the idea.

  • Popcorn Themed Cupcakes
    • Popcorn Box Cupcake Wrappers
    • Mini Marshmallows and Yellow Food Coloring Spray 

  • Vintage Car Photo Op
    • When I posted on the neighborhood message board about my need for kid size boxes to fashion into snuggly “cars” for movie watching, a neighbor volunteered a handmade vintage car prop for photos and décor. I said “yes” in a heartbeat! Neighbors can be so great…

Once everyone arrived, the party progressed through car decorating, snack gathering, birthday singing, cupcake eating, and movie watching. As the movie wore on, we even accumulated neighbors who brought out their own blankets and camp chairs. What a way to bring people together! It’s a night our little guy will remember for a long time, which is most important. But it’s also a night where I got to sit back and ENJOY my child’s special day, while truly soaking in the power of the party!

In conclusion, Betti Says that there is nothing more fun than mixing the classic charm of a drive-in movie with a birthday (or really any celebration). This party is really pretty simple to pull together and is perfect for little kids (we can’t get over the cardboard box cars), big kids, and even adults (didn’t we mention we were looking forward to some block parties earlier?!). If you are interested in working with Confetti Betti on a custom idea you have for a party, shoot us a message at and we would love to collaborate with you! If you would like a custom party box created this summer, but have no idea where to start, that’s OK too! We can work with you to come up with the perfect theme for your celebration.

Special thanks to the amazing Brandy Swanson...Betti Says guest bloggers are truly the BEST, and we are so grateful for their contributions to our little community! ❤️🎈


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